Culture Crawl Featured Art
Luminous Moments
Watercolor Paintings by Roberta J. Burruss
Roberta J. Burruss - Adventure Awaits
Roberta J. Burruss - Morning Peaks
Roberta J. Burruss - Fishing at Sunset
Roberta J. Burruss
Artist Statement
Luminous skies and mountain peaks are often at the core of my inspiration to paint. Anticipating my approach with the expressive transparency of watercolor pigments, flowing across beautiful 100% rag paper. For me, it simply doesn't get any better!
Born and raised in Montana, it's as if the land itself calls me to paint. I am deeply-rooted to the massive beauty we have everywhere. I find myself always looking for opportunities to select new subject matter, usually based within the landscape. I frequently sketch and take photographs outside, designing my compositions and making color selections as I build a painting. Watercolors require careful planning, with the goal of laying down your color one time, keeping it fresh and vibrant.
Being, what is considered a self-taught watercolorist, I have studied with many fine artists, in many different ways throughout the years. In 2006, my peers awarded me, Signature Membership to the Montana Watercolor Society, this encouragement gave me the confidence to continue, and be a full-time painter.
Please enjoy this show titled; “Luminous Moments”
Roberta J. Burruss - Morning Wisdom
Roberta J. Burruss - Sandhill Crane Stopover
Our featured artist changes every month, filling the gallery with new and exciting pieces every time. Every second Friday we host a Culture Crawl event from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. Come visit the gallery to meet artists and share in delicious hors d'oeuvres! For more information, please visit our Gallery page.