Culture Crawl Featured Artist

Joel Isaacs

Roping It In - Mantucky Metal Art

Go Find It - Mantucky Metal Art

Joel specializes in giving old, up-cycled metal a new purpose. He transforms material, seen as waste to most, into beautiful renditions of nature scenes based on Montana landscapes. Every piece is hand drawn, cut, and welded with no computer aid in the slightest. Joel's imagination and passion for the dirty, rustic, and pure side of Montana is easily seen in all of his pieces, each entwined with his personal vision. 

To watch a fantastic video on how he makes his work. Click here:

Mantucky Metal Art Video


Artist Statement

"I once came across a 55 gallon barrel. It was dark colored, dirty, and had oil residue down it's side. You see these barrels everywhere. They don't really stand out. These barrels seem to blend right into an industrial area or a back alley. When they're full they are usually pretty valuable, containing hundreds of dollars worth of oil, polymers, or even honey. These same barrels are close to worthless when they are empty. They wear out, leak, and end up being thrown away or rarely recycled.

I take these used barrels and transform them into art. My methods are completely freehand drawn and freehand cut. I do not rely on a computer driven plasma cutter and will never see myself in that area of metalwork. I feel metal art should always come with flaws, imperfect lines, and be guided by your eye rather than a machine.

My inspiration comes from where I live, my wonderful family, and my cherished friends and the experiences we share. You just need a little honest imagination and direction. Draw, cut, weld, and repeat.

Thank you to Barbara Liss and the Montana Bliss Art Gallery. I am very grateful to be able to present my art for the first time in Hamilton, Montana."


Long Road Ahead North - Mantucky Metal Art

Stand Tall - Mantucky Metal Art


Wondering River Teton Mountains - Mantucky Metal Art

Our featured artist changes every month, filling the gallery with new and exciting pieces every time. Every second Friday we host a Culture Crawl event from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. Come visit the gallery to meet artists and share in delicious hors d'oeuvres! For more information, please visit our Gallery page.

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