Culture Crawl Featured Artwork

Huichol Tribe


Beaded Three-Point Whitetail Deer Skull - Huichol Tribe


Beaded Montana Bear Skull - Huichol Tribe



Artist Statement


The unifying factor of Huichol artwork is the colorful decoration using symbols and designs which date back centuries. The Huichol have a long history of beading, making the beads from clay, shells, corals, seeds and more and using them to make jewelry and to decorate bowls and other items. The "modern" beadwork usually consists of masks and wood sculptures covered in small, brightly colored commercial beads fastened with wax and resin.     

The religious faith of the Huichols is still based on a "trinity" of veneration of the deer, corn and peyote. The last is ritually gathered each year on a long pilgrimage to the desert area of San Luis Potosí, where the people are said to have originated and used by shamans. The importance of this and the pantheon of gods is seen in their stylistic representations on just about everything that the Huichol decorate. They did not have a written language until recently, so these symbols were and are the primary form of preserving the ceremonies, myths and beliefs of ancient Huichol religion.



Beaded Six-Point Whitetail Deer Skull - Huichol Tribe


Our featured artist changes every month, filling the gallery with new and exciting pieces every time. Every second Friday we host a Culture Crawl event from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. Come visit the gallery to meet artists and share in delicious hors d'oeuvres! For more information, please visit our Gallery page.

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